Salem Saves Animals is dedicated to the advocacy of change in the laws of animal abuse in our neighborhood and country. We are also working to promote education and awareness in our community, to show people that everyone can do something to help make a difference.
Lorelei also known as Laurie Stathopoulos is the proprietor of the Nation’s oldest witch shop, Crow Haven Corner. She is known as Salem’s famous love clairvoyant, magical life coach and Psychic medium. She started Salem Saves Animals a nonprofit organization in honor of the animals, however rarely mentioned, that were killed in 1692’s Witch Trials. When the famous Puppy Doe case came out, Lorelei went in disguise to protest the torture of this animal. She was so outraged by the abuse, Lorelei was asked to leave the court house at which time she was recognized by the media and contacted by many of her clients. Lorelei’s clients and friends have become some of Salem Saves Animals biggest champions.
Leanne Marrama has had a strong love of animals her whole life. She believes a community that cares for those without voices only becomes stronger. Leanne was compelled to help create Salem Saves Animals after the horrific reports of animal abuse started to come to her attention.
After the little-known execution of the animal familiars in 1692 and the horrific "Puppy Doe" animal abuse case, our group of dedicated animal lovers were moved to spark change in our local community. The founder, Lorelei Stathopoulos, was so upset by the savagery committed that she approached Leanne Marrama and together they decided to start Salem Saves Animals.
Leanne Marrama is a psychic medium who uses her gifts to communicate with animals that are living and crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. Leanne is the loving mother of an Australian Cattle Dog named Sadie and a turtle named Tippy.